Plant this Book


In 1968 Richard Brautigan published Please Plant This Book a collection of eight seed packets, each bearing an original poem related to its contents.

Now almost 50 years later the Argentine publisher Pequeño Editor has unveiled a book that you can actually plant!

The project is called Tree Book Tree and is designed to teach kids a little about the origin of paper books and sustainability. For its first release it took the popular children’s book “Mi papá estuvo en la selva” (My dad was in the jungle), by Gusti Llimpi and Anne Decis, which is a true story about the Ecuadorian jungle told from the point of view of a young boy, and transformed it into a “book that can be planted after it is read.”

Printed with recycled paper and biodegradable ink, and hand-sewn into a binding which has Jacaranda tree seeds embedded into the paper the book will eventually sprout into a tree when planted.


Previously on Book Patrol:
The Book Planters of Do Myoung Kim
The Comic Book as Seedbed: Manga Farming by Koshi Kawach
Book Planters