A Public Display of the Kindle

With all the press and hype that has surrounded the life of Kindle 1 and Kindle 2 you would have thought that by now I would have seen at least one of them floating around the streets of Seattle; after all it is Amazon’s home court. But I haven’t seen one yet. I have seen it on Oprah, on the Daily Show, and on Jimmy Fallon’s new late night show but not on the bus, in the streets, or at any friends house.

Brier Dudley, the tech writer for the Seattle Times, got a Kindle 2 from Amazon to test drive. Since the only place one can “see it” is at Amazon.com and instead of trying to explain it away he “invited people to come down to the paper and try the review unit Amazon loaned me.”

The “people who showed up ranged from Web entrepreneurs and a medical student, interested in reading journals on the device to retirees who love books.” One employee from Amazon even showed up with his Kindle to allow more people the opportunity to play with it.

Here is a video of the event:

and in case you missed the Kindle’s solo appearance on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon here it is: