Cheeseheads Rejoice: American Cheese, 20 Slices, by Ben Denzer

There is a fun piece over at Saveur by Jamie Lausch Vander Broek, the Art & Design Librarian at the University of Michigan, about one of her recent acquisitions, American Cheese, 20 Slices, by Ben Denzer. 

Vander Broek curates the Artists Books Collection at UM and talks about how Artist Books are a perfect way to make strong connections between students, faculty and library “because they represent a sweet spot between the things the students and faculty make (art, design) and the things the library has (books, information).”

She also muses about how the purchase of the book for the collection stirred up some angry feelings in the librarian world where feedback was divided between “I could do that,” and “that’s an insult to books!” 

I hope there is one copy still left for the University of Wisconsin!


Images by Emily Buckler