wordia : Dictionary 3.0

Invite to the launch party

There’s a new dictionary in town. It’s called wordia and they’ve set out to “create a new kind of dictionary – a democratic ‘visual dictionary’. A place where anyone with a video, webcam or mobile phone can define the words that matter to them in their life.”

wordia has partnered with HarperCollins, who will provide the textual dictionary, and YouTube who will host the video content.

The site will be moderated with videos being both user-generated and professionally produced.

wordia launced with 76,000 words, 120,000 definitions, and another 21,000 thesaurus entries.

The launch party was held at Samuel Johnson’s house. Dr. Johnson compiled the first English language dictionary which was published back in 1755.

Oxford English Dictionary has just released September’s list of new words.

wordia’s You Tube channel

Telegraph piece
TechCrunch story
If:book post