
Here is a little Friday fun compliments of Lynn Wienck of The Chisholm Trail Bookstore


If newspapers are for breakfast, books for lunch, and cereal boxes for snacks, then this new do-it-yourself-innovation is a tasteful edition to kitchen appliances: fulfilling, appetizing, and digestible in multiple meals.

SaveScriveCookieMaker, similar in size and shape to the infamous SaveScriveWaffleIron, comes with removable aluminum trays for easy cleaning. It bakes a single cookie while simultaneously blind stamping six lines of text. Nontoxic, moveable type, SaveScriveAlphabet, sold separately, is available for creations of original, awkward, and unappreciated works. The bite-sized, but inedible letters, slide into a recessed form soldered to the bottom tray. To check the composition, read right to left, backwards, and top-to-bottom, bottom-to-top. (Proofreading is optional, but not mandatury, mandatorie, mendaturie, mandatory. Please pick one.)

The cookie dough, a blend of pie crust, shortbread, and library paste, holds shape as well as any paragraph without punctuation, capitalization, or recognized sentence structure. Pie crust flakes, shortbread crumbles, and library paste provides a semblance of glue to hold the entire structure firm. The resulting pastry when compared to recently read books, proves remarkably robust literally, figuratively, and semantically. Plug the SaveScriveCookieMaker into an outlet, let it heat, place the dough on the bottom tray, lower the top tray to mash, toast, and polish the literary work. Results — composition and cookie — may be half-baked, over-done, or difficult to swallow.

For those who have a belly full of fast, gummy food —
For those who are weary of cookie-cutter compositions —
For those who stew over quality —
For those who are tired of mass market consumption —

This invention is just the ticket to write and produce effortless cream-of-the-crop literature. Creativity, inspiration, and talent are on a roll with taste as the guide.

SaveScriveCookieMaker, SaveScriveWaffleIron, and SaveScriveAlphabet are the registered trademarks, brand names, patents, copyrights, legal holdings, and intellectual properties of SaveScrive Company, not limited to and including subsidiaries, divisions, and dummy corporations. Misuse, abuse, or use of these products will flambé components, cookies, waffles, cooking implements, counters, and sinks.
Standard Cookie-Cutter Disclaimer: All products, names, companies presented in this pseudo-article are fictional and not to be confused with actual products, names, or companies. This disclaimer directs to cookie crumbs and that’s the way the cookie crumbles.
