The Ghost Hunters Visit the Library

Jacques J. Benoit, the library custodian at the Clapp Memorial Library in Belchertown, Massachusetts , has being seeing some “strange, unexplained happenings at the library for the past nine years.”

“At first it was disturbing…It still makes me uneasy at times” says Benoit.

What exactly did Benoit witness?

-He said he has heard loud noises, like the sound of a bookshelf falling over and then checked and found no bookshelves fallen.

-He has heard quiet noises, like the sound of someone flipping through the pages of a book or shuffling through a magazine, and found nobody there.

-He had seen a woman walking up the stairs, books moving and an elevator running with nobody at the control buttons.Yikes!

Well on tonight’s episode of the Ghost Hunters on the Sci-Fi channel they reveal what they found on their visit to the Clapp Memorial Library.

Here is the trailer for the library segment.

Previous Book Patrol post: “Haunted Libraries

Article in The Springfield Republican