The University of Utah’s main library has installed the largest automated book retrieval center in North America. The new robotic book storage and retrieval system holds 2 million books and frees up 80,000 square feet of prime library space.
Machine Details:
-Rail-mounted robotic retrieval cranes move up and down four aisles.
-Each aisle is 130 feet long, 35 feet tall, and holds 19,181 bins.
-Has its own heating and air-conditioning system
–Built by HK Systems
Book Details:
-“Older and less used materials” are stored in the Automated Retrieval Center (ARC)
-The books are stored by size not call number and it takes between 5 to 10 minutes for the robot to retrieve an item.
Cost:$12 million.
and what are they going to do with 80,00 square feet?
The plan is for high-tech classrooms, glassed-in group study rooms and for an open area called the Knowledge Commons.
Piece in the Salt Lake Tribune – Technology Transforms U. of U. library