What’s In David Copperfield’s Warehouse?

The FBI raided David Copperfield’s warehouse in Las Vegas looking for evidence in connection with a rape investigation underway in Seattle.

What’s in that warehouse? Beside Copperfield’s Lingerie collection how about one of the largest and most important collections of rare books and related material on conjuring and the allied arts! The warehouse is actually named the International Museum & Library of the Conjuring Arts.

The Museum was featured in Mark Singer’s great profile on Ricky Jay that appeared in the New Yorker Magazine in 1993. Jay, an avid book collector, had curated the collection in the 1980’s and was present when the FBI raided the collection the first time, during the previous owner’s bankruptcy proceedings. U
pon seeing the FBI’s equipment carelessly strewn about Jay reportedly told an agent “I don’t care who the f… you are. Get your crap off those posters.”

Post on the Vulture blog of the New Yorker Magazine
Seattle PI story