The Growing Bestiary of Briony Morrow-Cribbs

The “Cabinets of Curiosity” of the 16th and 17th century is the jumping off point for Morrow-Cribbs. These rooms of mythical constructs blur the boundary of fact and fiction, where the real and the imagined share the stage.

Morrow-Cribs says she “uses the mediums of print and the book arts (and occasionally ceramics) to create a graphic connection between the recognizable ‘real’ world and my invisible, ‘fantasy’ world.

Her latest project is providing 11 aquatint prints to accompany the first book publication of Brigit Pegeen Kelly’s prose poem Iskandariya. The book is designed and published by Rollin Milroy at Heavenly Monkey.

Milroy says the poem offers “a perfect companion for Briony’s growing bestiary of anthropomorphically jumbled creatures.”

Millroy and Heavenly Monkey continue their ascent to the top of the fine press world with each book taking us on a quality journey utilizing the most creative artists, writers and book makers this region has to offer. I have yet to be disappointed.

Morrow-Cribbs, the daughter of two artists, has yet to leave her twenties so settle in, this journey is just beginning.

There is an exhibit of the work of Briony Morrow-Cribbs to coincide with the release of Iskandariya at Wessel & Lieberman Booksellers in Seattle through Halloween . For those who can’t make it here is the online version.