From a Waste Space to a Bookshop: The Birth of the Happy Tales Bookshop

Welcome to Castle Arkdale the home of Happy Tales Bookshop in Wisconsin. Complete with moat, drawbridge and an armored Sir Kevin inside the front door.

And from where hath such a fine castle of books originate from?

A manure storage tank!

Yep, Lenore Dickmann’s husband “Lloyd, cleaned out a manure storage tank on their farm to make room for her expanding Happy Tales Bookshop.”

“Leonore Dickmann was surprised and delighted,” when she saw her husband’s handiwork which took took him 3 weeks to excavate, wax and polish it.

Why the castle motif? Dickmann was researching a book on King Arthur when her husband came up with the idea to transform a poop tank to a bookshop.

I must refrain.

Story in the Wisconsin State Journal

Thanks to Reading Copy for the lead