The Green Lake Poet

Sure sounds better than the Green River Killer.

This is a poet on mission. Every Sunday Amy Allin sets up shop at Green Lake, a heavily trafficked man-made lake in North Seattle. She puts out a little table marked with big glass letters spelling out “P-O-E-T” and reads poetry to anyone in earshot. She began her quest in July and has been there every Sunday since. Her goal is to be there for 1 year.

Allin doesn’t own a car and walks four miles each way to Green Lake to perform her public service.

Allin says:
“If the world is run for science only and for commerce only, we’re no longer informed by creative notions that could solve problems. The artists allow us to see things”

“Poetry can make a dull life the most exciting ever. You’re no longer just walking down a dim street. Life becomes vivid and so much more worth living”

“I talked to 15 people who otherwise would not have had poetry in their lives,”

Here is a link to her blog Nostaligia: the Poetess at Green Lake and don’t forget to sign up for her daily poem via email.

The Associated Press picked up her story and hopefully she will now get all the accolades she deserves

Thank you Amy