10 Best and Worst Lists

10 Best and Worst Lists

The New York Times released its list of the top 10 books for 2006. The list will appear in the December 10th print issue of the Book Review.

And in case you missed this one:

Here is another list that I thought might be worth a revisit. It is called the Ten Most Harmful Books of the 19th and 20th Century and it was published by the national conservative weekly Human Events, or as it has been called ‘a Bible for the right’, last May. 15 conservative scholars and public policy leaders voted to determine the winners (or losers). Here is just a little taste: titles not making the top 10 but receiving honorable mention include – Rachel Carson’s “Silent Spring”; Ralph Nadar’s “Unsafe at Any Speed” and Charles Darwin’s “Descent of Man”- Need I say more?

They also have a list of the Ten Books Every Republican Congressman should read. Surprisingly enough the bible came in third!