I assume many of you booksellers out there received an email from Abebooks today. They called it the Bookseller Bulletin and this is what it said:
Have your say on the new OJ Simpson book
It has been announced that OJ Simpson is set to release a new book. AbeBooks.com wants to know what booksellers think:
Are you planning to stock the forthcoming OJ Simpson book, If I Did It?
(This is not a live link, believe it or not the text at the end of this page’s url says DO_NOT_COPY_THIS_LINK)
Thank you for participating – watch for the poll results on the AbeBooks.com Web site.
So if you were still wondering whether or not ABE or Abebooks or whatever they are calling themselves these days are in touch with their booksellers and the issues of the core bookselling community, who in many ways are directly responsible for their success, the answer is NO.
Plugging a new book let alone the OJ book speaks volumes of how far they have drifted from their original business model.
Truly unreal.
Here is ABE’s plug about the OJ book on their blog