Emma Taylor’s Sculptural Response

Emma Taylor came to book sculpture as a response to the advent of the ebook. “Inspired by the decreasing demand for books caused by the rise of eReaders and the use of technology.” Taylor set out to capture the power that lies between the covers of a printed book.

Book sculpture No. 1. Book used: The Shadow of the Past

Her moniker is: 

“From within a book row on row a forest of knowledge continues to grow. While brackets and comma’s flourish and bloom, we fear the end begins to loom.”

and it appears printed on a tag on that hangs on some of her works. 


latest sculpture: Miniature Bookshop

on display at Ely Library

close up

Taylor sells photographic prints of her unique book works at her Etsy shop, From Within a Book 

and you can find her Facebook page here

Visual News also covered here work