Bukowski set to music

 Actress Ute Lemper will be holding a series of performances at Joe’s Pub, the intimate cabaret located inside the Public Theater, based on the poetry of Charles Bukowski.

Titled the The Bukowski Project Lemper will perform works based on Bukowski’s poems from the books The Last Night of the Earth Poems, What Matters Most Is How Well You Walk through the Fire and You Get so Alone At Times That It Just Makes Sense.

The Bukowski Project, which was also conceived by Lemper, will feature her original music with additional composition and arrangements by Todd Turkisher and Vana Gierig.

The Bukowski Project runs from August 19-22. Tickets here

Piece in Playbill, Ute Lemper to Explore The Bukowski Project at Joe’s Pub

Thanks to @CityLightsBooks for the lead