Urban Planning through Kids Books

Kauser Razvi, an urban planner and part of the team at Strategic Urban Solutions, would like to transform a few vacant lots in Cleveland into mini-wonderlands for kids.

The project is called Literary Lots and thankfully it has already met its initial funding goal.

Here’s what Ravi has in mind:

Literary Lots is a program that ‘brings books to life’ in vacant lots in Cleveland. Working with the Cleveland Public Libraries and LAND Studio, Literary Lots will transform 2 to 4 vacant lots adjacent to libraries into six-week summer program spots for children in inner-city Cleveland. Between June and August 2013, local artists will use themes from specific children’s books to re-create places, concepts, or adventures from the book, creating a magical and educational space to engage local youth in art and culture. Working with other local non-profits and cultural institutions, the artists will bring engaging programming to youth right in their neighborhoods. The result: a transformative experience that combines creative land re-use, artist engagement, youth education and urban renewal.

I hope this one spreads like wildfire…

Literary Lots by Kauser Razvi | Kickstarter