Jay Z Talks Books with Oprah

Photo by Ron Howard

The October issue of O magazine, which hits the newsstands next week, features an interview with Jay Z.

One of the topics covered in Oprah’s interview is a look into Jay Z’s reading life.

Here are the 6 books featured in the slideshow; “Books That Made a Difference to Jay-Z” now up on the O Magazine website.

The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav
The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield
Homer’s The Odyssey
Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell
Purple Cow by Seth Godin and
Nigger by Dick Gregory

Each includes commentary by Jay Z.

Here’s the “sneak peak” of the interview

Previously on Book Patrol:
Bill Maher’s Gift to Jay Z

Thanks to @penguinusa
for the lead