Reading On The Go

The New York Times is conducting a survey of reading habits while riding the subway, the results to be published tomorrow.

For those, however, who live in areas without subterranean transit, we at Book Patrol seek your solutions to the reading à go-go issue.

Books (novels, non-fiction, serious or popular), magazines, newspapers, scripts, poetry, crossword puzzles, laundry lists, the Lord’s Prayer – whatever you need to make it from point A to point B, we’d like to hear about it and your mode of transportation while doing so: bus, car, bicycle, ferry, skateboard, kayak, jitney, taxi, rickshaw, surrey-with-the-fringe-on-top, whatever.

Post your responses to the Comments section below.

We’ll tally up the stats and report back.

Disclaimer: Book Patrol does not endorse reading while driving. A bus. Or anything else.

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