Health update: Printed Books in Satisfactory Condition

jeff kinney bookshopartist rendering of Jeff Kinney’s forthcoming bookshop

Lots of good news floating around recently on the health of the printed book.

Jeff Kinney, author of the wildly popular “Diary of a Wimpy Kid’ series is opening a bookstore.

“I feel angry that so many bookstores have gone away” Kinney told the Boston Globe. “People love books and they don’t want to see them go away. We’d like to be a part of that movement.”

At Digital Book World, Dana Beth Weinberg tells us  Why Authors and Readers Still Want Print.  Citing the important 2014 PEW study, E-Reading Rises as Device Ownership Jumps, one thing that has become clear is that regardless of what happens in the e-book hemisphere there is no “corresponding lack of popularity for print.” 

pew study