A New Dawn at the Library of Congress

Tomorrow for the first time in 18 years the bronze doors leading to the Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building will open to the public and the Library of Congress Experience will begin.

The LOC Experience is the marriage of some of the treasures of the world’s largest library with the latest interactive technology. These new technologies “will make the Library of Congress and its collections more dynamic and accessible than ever.”

The “new exhibitions enhanced by interactive technology will offer a chance to experience rare and unique items, such as the rough draft of the Declaration of Independence, the Gutenberg Bible, the 1507 Waldseemüller map that first named America and Thomas Jefferson’s recreated library.”

Each exhibit offers a new technological slant that make each more accessible and engaging to the visitor and scholar alike.

New features include:

-Strategically placed interactive stations will offer a panoramic view of the Great Hall. Visitors will be able to zoom in on architectural details and explore the significance of features including the Minerva mosaic and the lamps of knowledge.

-Through interactive stations, visitors will be able to page virtually through the LOC’s copy of the Gutenberg Bible and the Giant Bible of Mainz using state-of-the-art technology. They can also learn about the importance of these historic documents and browse other significant bibles in the Library’s collection.

-Exploring the Jay I. Kislak collection, Exploring Early America’s, using nine interactive touch-screens as well as “hands-on” stations where visitors can virtually and physically delve deeper into the collection, and explore the history it represents. Visitors can examine individual objects in detail, view select artifacts from every angle, flip through documents using page-turning technology and zoom in on details of numerous images.

-The LOC has recreated Thomas Jefferson Library. On display for study and exploration there will be 6,487 volumes housed in a large spiral-shaped bookcase, including the more than 2,000 surviving volumes from Jefferson’s original collection. Vistors can review Jefferson’s cataloging system and virtually explore select books, as well as learn about the interests and ideas that shaped his thinking. Visitors will also learn about the Library’s history, how Jefferson’s Library transformed the Library of Congress and gain insight into how Jefferson selected books for his personal library.

In addition to the enhanced technology the LOC is breaking out a new logo and advertising campaign and sprucing up the grounds with banners and related kiosks.

A new day is here.

Here is an 8 minute video tour of the Experience with Cheryl Regan of the Library of Congress’s Interpretive Programs Office.


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