Michael Lieberman

Books for Soldiers: World War I Style

During World War I the American Library Association undertook a massive campaign to get reading material in the hands of our soldiers. One of their initiatives to bolster Army libraries was to set-up camp outside the New York Public Library. These images portray the campaign's efforts and astounding success. The history of these efforts is covered in-depth in the seminal work by Theodore Wesley Koch; Books in the War: The Romance of the Library War Service that was published in 1919 by Houghton Mifflin. cover of Books in War courtesy of book patrol In the upper-left corner of the first image above...

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Portraits of Modern American Poets

Langston Hughes by Winold Reiss, circa 1925. Pastel on illustration board. Courtesy of the National Portrait Gallery.You know if the National Portrait Gallery is going to hold an exhibit featuring the portraits of poets it's going to be a good one."Poetic License: Modern American Poets " pays homage to over 50 poets and includes over 75 works.Walt Whitman. G. Frank E. Pearsall, 1872. Albumen silver print. Courtesy the National Portrait GalleryThe exhibit looks at the partnership of poets and artists in the creation of modern culture.The core seeds of the exhibit are Walt Whitman and Ezra Pound and it all...

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For books and other stuff. A multi-purpose folding screen

Check out this cool contraption for the urban dweller from Argentine designer Leonardo Fortunato.Notice the two brown sections of rectangular boards that become bookshelves with adaptable heights. One of the other sections doubles as a mirror and an ironing board.More at Tree HuggerMulti-Purpose Folding Screen Doubles as Library, Rack, Mirror and Ironing Board : TreeHugger:

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