Circling Altered Bible 9d x 9w x 9h bi·ble/ˈbībəl/Noun:The Christian scriptures, consisting of the Old and New Testaments.The Jewish scriptures, consisting of the Torah, the Prophets, and the Hagiographa.For the believers it is the word of god. For others it is a tool of oppression and for some simply a book of stories taken way too literally. Homeland, 2001. Altered Bible 6d x 12w x 2.5h inchesFor Linda Ekstrom it is the foundation of her 'Word' series. Why not start at the source.Ekstrom is no heathen, her work "is a direct extension and materialization of [her] religious practice and interest...
The Book-Infused Photographs of Joel Robison
F is for Finding Fiction in the Forestclick to enlargeJoel Robison is a twenty-something photographer living in British Columbia. He goes by the handle Boy_Wonder on Flickr and his photostream is packed with over 1,500 images. “You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” - Lewis CarrollLuckily, for us, one of the objects he consistently pays homage to are books as they permeate many of his landscapes. R is for ReadingThey in turn lift him up and weigh him down. They are both larger than life and an integral part...
APRIL has arrived. A festival of small press and independent publishing takes root in Seattle
"Authors, Publishers and Readers of Independent Literature" March 22-31, 2012The seeds of APRIL can be found in the 2010 Small Press Bookfest, an ambitious project of the late Pilot Books. APRIL aims to harness the spirit that made Pilot Books a community space and locus for daring and innovative writing.The goal of the festival is to connect readers with independent literature and the authors and publishers of this relevant and vitalizing work. The festival aims to celebrate independent writing and publishing and to foster community amongst the artists and appreciators who help make it thrive.With a successful Kickstarter campaign behind...
The Graphic Side of Dard Hunter
When one thinks of Dard Hunter the word "paper" usually comes to mind first. He was in many respects the king of American papermaking. He authored over fifteen books on the subject and single-handedly revived the art of handmade papermaking in America.Prior to his obsession with paper Hunter spent his time as a printer and graphic artist. His began his career working for the famed Roycroft Press in East Aurora, New York. Under the tutelage of Elbert Hubbard, Hunter immersed himself in the Arts & Crafts style that permeated the design aesthetic of the press and he emerged as "one...
Slightly Foxed: The Well-Made Book Lives On
The headline reads: Outfoxing the digital revolution.The story in The Telegraph profiles Slightly Foxed, a second-hand bookshop, publisher of a popular beautifully produced reader's quarterly and publishers of Slightly Foxed Editions."Slightly Foxed have stepped aside from the ebook stampede to publish beautifully bound hardbacks that recall a bygone age – and sell like hot cakes," and too boot they only publish memoirs that are out of print but not out of copyright, and all include new prefaces that are reproduced in the quarterly magazine.Each clothbound pocket hardback includes colored endpapers, headband, tailband and a silk ribbon marker. Each is published...