Michael Lieberman

A New Entry in the World’s Most Beautiful Libraries Category: Vennesla Library and Cultural Center

Welcome to the newly renovated Vennesla Library and Cultural Center in Vennesla, Norway.Norwegian architecture firm Helen & Hard have created a remarkable space by combining an existing community house, learning center, and public space. The result is, among other things, a  sanctuary for the printed word. The clean green design and open space are as an inviting a space as a community can hope for.Nestled within this vast openness are private study spaces at the end of each aisle. As libraries continue to operate, here at home and in many places around the world, under extreme financial and political pressure it...

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A Bookish Future for the Phone Booth

There are over 13,000 pay phones in New York City. At one time they were on the front line of connectivity, if you wanted to connect with someone you would seek one out drop in some change and presto. The advent of the cell phone changed all that. Now there are millions and millions and millions of cell phones in NYC alone. I can't even remember the last time I used a pay phone and there is a good chance the younger folks might never use one.So what to do with them? One New York architect has decided to turn...

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A Smell Good Book

The latest offering from author M.J. Rose is one for the noses.The Book of Lost Fragrances is a tale of suspense derived from the mystical qualities of a perfume created in the days of Cleopatra—and lost for 2,000 years.To celebrate its release if you buy the book you can get a bottle of a fragrance that was inspired by and created for the novel. It is called Âmes Soeurs, the Scent of Soulmates and was produced by Joya Studios.Here's how it works:By the book - email them a scan of the receipt with your name and address - and a...

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Bonus: Terrorism textbook ordered on Amazon came with some white powder

Image by Fernando Ochoa / KSHBYikes! Just imagine what went through the mind of Sophia Stockton when a bag of white powder fell out of her recently delivered textbook “Understanding Terrorism: Challenges, Perspectives and Issues.” Thinking Anthrax Stockton took the bag to the police and lo and behold:“I told them white powder was in my terrorism textbook and so I put it on the table and they’re like, ‘oh, okay,’ And so he went back and tested it,” Stockton recalls. “ He comes back and says, ‘you didn’t happen to order some cocaine with your textbook, did you?’ And I...

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Trouble in Carver Country

cover of the Arcade editionTess Gallagher, the widow of short story master Raymond Carver, is suing Skyhorse Publishing over the book Carver Country: The World of Raymond Carver. The copyright suit alleges that the book contains unauthorized use of excerpts and photos. The book, originally published by Charles Scribner's Sons in hardback in 1990, was released in a  a paperback edition by Arcade in 1994 . Skyhorse Publishing acquired Arcade last year. cover of the Scribner's editionMore at Publisher's Weekly including mention that according to Bookscan, the book has sold only 26 copies lifetime. Is that possible?

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