This is the first installment of a new series on Book Patrol. In the Stacks. A series dedicated to exploring the digital archives of the leading libraries, institutions and organizations of the known universeFirst up is the Boston Public Library who recently released over 15,000 images from their archive through Flickr.1895 advertising poster for Houghton Mifflin’s holiday booksGot to love this shot of kids learning "the right use of books"South Boston's class in the right use of booksBPL is the home of a tremendous collection of books designed by Sarah Wyman Whitman, the first major American professional book designer.Dorchester Branch, Summer...
The Book Piles of Ephraim Rubenstein
Book Pile XXXIII. Oil on linen. 36 x 28 inchesThey've been using books in still life painting for a long time. From the rise of the genre in the Netherlands in the the early 17th century to Van Gogh's Still Life with Bible to Mattise's Still Life, Bouquet of Dahlias and White Book the book has always had a prominent place in the artist's imagination. A solid contemporary example is Used and Discarded Books, a new series of paintings by Ephraim Rubenstein. These biblio-portraits breathe grace and beauty into books that have seen better days. Here the value transcends the monetary, and the seemingly unsteady, teetering piles mirror the...
Confessions of a Book Fiend
"Confessions of a Book Fiend," 2010 by Grant Snider(click to enlarge)11"x17" color prints are available for $15 plus shipping. Ordering info hereThanks to @luxmentis for the lead
Typography and the Album Cover
Enoch Light. Discotheque, 1964. Designed by George Giusti.Book design is not the only casualty in the rush toward digitization. Cover design in the music world has been pretty much relegated to a thumbnail image for a digital download or an image for a CD case but back in the heyday of the LP the cover design was a vital component to the accompanying music.Over at psd tuts+ Sonali Vora takes on a trip through 50 Years of Typography in Album Covers. With examples from the 1960's up to the present we get a vivid reminder of what we are losing in the...
Students take over library to protest tuition hikes and education cuts
Students at Goldsmiths University in southeast London have taken control of the campus library. As many as 150 students entered the library on Monday night to begin their peaceful occupation. The occupation comes days before tomorrow's scheduled national protest on the massive cuts.Here is the official statement from the students:We have occupied the university library in opposition to the increase in university fees and cuts in education as a whole. We act in solidarity with all those facing cuts across the social sphere.We oppose the proposed change in fees structure and the cuts to teaching subsidy across education in the...