Michael Lieberman

The Honesty Bookshop

How's this for business model:An outdoor locationAll books are £1 or lessHours of operation - 24/7 365 days a yearTotal staff - 0Security - noneMethod of payment - cash - deposited in lock boxes located throughout the shopWelcome to the The Honesty Bookshop one of the 30 or so bookshops that populate the book paradise known as Hay-on-Wye. It is part of Richard Booth's Bookshop which has, in addition to the Honesty Bookshop, two shops in Hay-on-Wye. And for those looking for a little Hay-on-Wye history, it was Richard Booth who opened the first bookshop there in 1961 and devised...

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Book Power!

Mary Bennett. Fodor’s Iran 1979. Altered vintage book, wall hung, linen tape, gesso, thread. 43.5 x 7.5 x 1 inches. 2010. UniquePortland, Oregon's 23 Sandy Gallery is quickly becoming one of the premier book art destinations on the west coast.  Their latest show Book Power! is a knockout. It showcases artist books addressing the social, political and environmental issues of our times. Randi Parkhurst. Colony 45. Papers by the artist, linen thread, long stitch over book cloth tapes, acrylic, graphite, watercolor, braided linen pulls. 17 x 17 inches. 2010. UniqueThe exhibition features work by over 40 artists and proves that:an...

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Amazon’s Next Price War?

Thinking of having a promotion or a sale on your website to help you sell some books? Now think again, for any attempt to promote your own business might cost you one of your deepest revenue streams.Amazon's latest 'our way or the highway' policy involves independent third-party sellers on their European websites. The same stranglehold Amazon has on publishers is now being placed on independent booksellers.  Amazon's New Rule:Any book listed on Amazon must be sold at the same price or cheaper than it appears on any other website including the booksellers' own websites.Any bookseller found in violation is subject...

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The Pocket Poet Portraits of Ann Mikolowski

John AsberryJohn Yau takes a look at the work of Ann Mikolowski in his piece To Have and to Hold: Ann Mikolowski's pocket portraits show two ways of looking in a mirror at the Poetry Foundation.In addition to her miniature portraits of artists and writers Mikolowski also painted large landscapes and, along with her husband, founded the Alternative Press, a seminal experimental poetry press that was at the forefront of the mail art scene of the 1960's and 70's. Headquartered in Detroit, they  would ship envelopes packed with letterpress printed ephemera, bookmarks, photos, and other paper bric-a-brac to all corners...

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‘Take a Seat’ on a Book

In need of a few extra chairs for your next book club meeting? Are you a bookstore looking for some extra seating for your events? See those "books" on the shelf in the background? Thanks to designer Darris Hanroun those "books" transform into nifty little seats.The impetus behind 'Take A Seat' is Hamroun's belief "that objects have to adapt to humans and their habitat."The folding stool rests inside the covers of a book form.  It is constructed of solid wood, connected with hinges and cloth. The book "cover" is made of foam covered in cloth and when opened becomes the...

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