Michael Lieberman

The Shelfari Climb

The big news in the book social networking world this week was Shelfari's announcement that it has created a branded application for Facebook.Facebook is the don of social networking sites and for Shelfari to implant their application in their playing field is a huge step in gaining market share.The recent Publisher's Weekly's article on book social networking sites placedShelfari a distant third in the marketplace behind Goodreads.com and way behind Librarything who were first in.This deal will close the gap considerably. Since the press release Shelfari has already seen record traffic and a record amount of new registrations.And while Shelfari...

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Fine Presses and the Bookseller

That is the title of the article I wrote for the new issue of Amphora the publication of the Alcuin Society.For those unfamiliar with the Alcuin Society it is a "voluntary association of people who care about the past, present and future of fine books" based in Vancouver, British Columbia whose two main goals "are to promote a wider appreciation of books and reading and to support excellence in book design and production."Hard not to support that.This particular issue is also the inaugural issue in what will be an ongoing series featuring original wood engravings. This issue features artist Jim...

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Wilde Times

image Chris Ketchell "The public have an insatiable curiosity to know everything, except what is worth knowing. Journalism, conscious of this, and having tradesman-like habits, supplies their demands." - Oscar Wilde The Soul of Man Under Socialism Aside from his success as an author and playwright Wilde was also a major celebrity in Victorian London. In many respects his celebrity mirrors the path of many of today's celebrities (Martha Stewart and Paris Hilton immediately come to mind) where the prevailing culture hoists them up then tears them down with no mercy. My Wilde phase took place in England in the...

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The University Bookstore here in Seattle launched its contribution to Pottermania. A week long tribute to the upcoming release of HP7.The festivities include a full slate of WizRockStock Concerts where "Hogwarts disciples have created their own genre of indie rock to ease the stress of battling magical and social corruption, and promote literacy," featuring bands like the The Remus Lupins, The Parselmouths, The Weird Sisters, Firenze and the Centaurs of the Forbidden Forest and Harry and the Potters.There will be events like these going on in every nook and cranny of this country. The good part is that this is...

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The Heritage Effect. The Book Trade Waits

It has been a long time since a funeral was held at 8540 Melrose Avenue in West Hollywood. It used to be the home of the Cunningham & O'Connor Mortuary. It was where services were held for such Hollywood legends as Clark Gable, Gary Cooper, Bing Crosby and Spencer Tracy.Tomorrow something else is being laid to rest. The legendary Heritage Book Shop. After 44 years in the book business, the last 25 of which were at the old funeral home on Melrose, Ben and Lou Weinstein are cashing out.It doesn't matter if the closure is related to Lou getting tired...

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