Books Hit the Campaign Trail

Looks like the photo of Barak Obama holding his copy of The Post American World during a stop in Bozeman, MT might just be the beginning of a biblio-campaign.

The book quickly jumped 3 spots on the Amazon’s Top 100 moving from #7 to #4. The following day campaigning in Florida Obama responded to a question about possible running mates with this biblio-reference:

I can tell you this. My goal is to have the best possible government. And that means me winning. So, I’m very practical in my thinking. I’m a practical guy. One of my heroes is Abraham Lincoln. Awhile back, there was a wonderful book written by Doris Kearns Goodwin called ‘Team of Rivals,’ in which she talked about how Lincoln basically pulled all the people he’d been running against into his Cabinet. Because whatever personal feelings there were, the issue was, ‘How can we get the country through this time of crisis?’ I think that has to be the approach one takes to the vice president and the Cabinet.

Not to be outdone the Clinton campaign responded with a picture of Bill holding an Advance Reading Copy of Ark of the Liberties, a new history of the U.S. project to promote liberty all over the world by Ted Widmer, a former Clinton speechwriter.

and Chelsea Clinton made an appearance, on primary day, during storytime at Joseph-Beth Booksellers in Lexington, Kentucky.