Books meet robotics in the Book Hive


Welcome to the Book Hive, a large-scale interactive sculpture created by Rusty Squid to celebrate 400 years of public libraries in Bristol, UK.

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The Hive is a swarm of animated books within hexagonal cells that open and close. The Hive will continue to expand until it contains 400 books, one for each year.


The project was funded by Arts Council England, whose regional director Phil Gibby states:

We believe that everyone, particularly children and young people, should have the opportunity to experience the richness of the arts, museums and libraries, and by supporting excellent projects like Book Hive, we can bring together the right partners to commission and create something amazing.


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Book Hive animatronic celebrates 400 years of public libraries in Bristol | Arts Council

Books Come to Life at Bristol Central Libraries | Bristol Culture

Book Hive: New Interactive Book Display in Bristol Central Library | My Modern Met