Bookstore Robbery Tomorrow at 9

Luckily this takes place across the street from Wessel & Lieberman Booksellers at the Central Saloon where a new band from Seattle called Bookstore Robbery will play. We will have extra security on hand.

Self-described as a “shotgun marriage of power pop and alt-country for the twilight era.” To hear some of their songs and watch a video visit their myspace page.

Where did they get the name from?

The Wes Anderson film “Bottle Rocket”. The film’s tagline: “They’re not really criminals, but everybody’s got to have a dream.”

The following dialog comes from the bookstore robbery scene:

Digan: A bigger bag you idiot!
Bookstore manager: Don’t call me an idiot, you punk!
Digan: Do you have a bigger bag for maps and atlases… sir?

I think I am going to go.