Coming Soon: The First Annual Book Blog and Web Awards

Well after all it is the day after the Oscars.

The Seventh Annual Weblog Award nominees were announced recently and for at least the fourth year in a row there isn’t one book blog to be found.

C. Max Magee at The Millions (A Blog About Books) had a great post this past week titled “The Assimilation of the Book Blog” were he addresses this annual snub of book bloggers.

I have noticed that at times it seems difficult for sites to find the right category for the book blog. For example: Book Patrol posts are occasionally picked up by The are mostly placed in their entertainment category but if the post is about books and technology the post will go to the technology section. There is no permanent book section on the entertainment page. There are sections for Film, Theater, People, Music, Television and Industry but none for Books.

Another example of book snubbing is on where the collecting part of the FORBESLIFE section rarely has any book collecting information.

There are others.

To remedy this and give our community its due Book Patrol announces the First Annual Book Blog and Web Awards. Our very own Best in Show.

List of potential categories include:

Best Overall Book Blog

Best Publishing or Business of Books Blog

Best Blog about New Books

Best Non-new book blog (used rare)

Best Blog about Books and Culture

Best Blog about Books and Technology

Best Book Review Blog

Best Book Related Video

Best Library Blog

Best Blog by a Librarian

Best Bookselling Blog

Best Book Blog by a Newspaper Journalist

Best Newspaper Website for Book Blogs

Best Publisher’s Blog

Best Book Trailer

Best Podcast

Best Book Arts Blog

Best Online Exhibition

The first award winners will be announced in early 2008. In the meantime I am off to find some sponsors.

Stay tuned.

If one has any thoughts as to what this award might be called, i.e. The Guties (after Gutenberg), please do let me know.

Image by Nora Krug