Getting to the End

This is how Heather McElhatton got to her debut novel Pretty Little Mistakes that hits stores today . You see it’s a “Do-Over Novel” and she came up with 150 unique scenarios. Yep 150! “One Beginning 150 Endings: The Choice is Yours.”

Of course I am exhausted just thinking about it but the originality alone merits a peek. If you are fresh out of high school and ready to hit the world then it is closer to a must read.

You just graduated from high school and you got a couple of choices. You either “go to college to get ahead or take some time off and go traveling.” Pick one and your off.

Here is my trip so far- I wanted to travel, drive to California, then I choose to go to Berkeley instead of LA, friend gets me a job at the library at UCB (University of California Berkeley), now I am trying to figure out if I want to go out on a date with David or not, whose is not the guy I have been sleeping with in the utility room at the library every day…

Content aside you can see the reach of the concept:
The movie slant, basically the opposite of Groundhog Day
The social networking slant, a Myspace group popping up for each ending.
The teen lit, chick lit slant.

I am not sure I would market it as “an interactive” or “adventure-type” adult novel. The target audience is the young adult or the beginning adult. There is plenty of money to made in their world, there is no need to reach for any other type of adult audience.

Book Patrol puts it on the: Third Shelf

While we are on the topic of author’s flow charts. Here is a shot of Will Self’s wall.

There are 71 photo’s of will’s room here.

Thanks to for the Will Self lead