Graphic Poetry. Ted Kooser Meets Paul Hornschemeier

The 5th installment of the Poetry Foundation’s The Poem as Comic Strip series features a Paul Hornschemeier interpretation of former Poet Laureate and Pulitzer Prize winner Ted Kooser’s poem The Giant Slide.

Upon reading the poem Hornschemeier says he “saw the entire comic, just as it is in the finished version, all of the panels just floating there along with the time and beats of the poem,”

Here is a link to the strip. (pdf)

Here are the other 4 strips in the series:
#1: David Heatley and Diane Wakoski
#2: Gabrielle Bell and Emily Dickinson
#3: Jeffrey Brown and Russell Edson
#4: Ron Regé, Jr. and Kenneth Patchen

These are the broadsides of Generation X.

Hats off to the Poetry Foundation for this one. The series provides a great opportunity to expose poets to a demographic that leans visual while exposing an older more codex focused generation to the graphical possibilities.

Thanks to FLOG ,the Fantagraphics blog for the lead.