More Political Poetry – Sarah Palin

The Poetry of Sarah Palin : Recent works by the Republican vice presidential candidate” by Hart Seely at,

In her brief tenure in the public eye Plain “has chosen to bypass the media filter and speak directly to fans through her intensely personal verses, spoken poems that drill into the vagaries of modern life as if they were oil deposits beneath a government-protected tundra.”

“The poems collected here were compiled verbatim from only three brief interviews. So just imagine the work Sarah Palin could produce over the next four (or eight) years.”

Here’s one:

“You Can’t Blink”

You can’t blink.
You have to be wired
In a way of being
So committed to the mission,

The mission that we’re on,
Reform of this country,
And victory in the war,
You can’t blink.

So I didn’t blink.

(To C. Gibson, ABC News, Sept. 11, 2008)

Also of note:

The folks at the New Haven Review are on the hunt for poems about Sarah Palin for an upcoming issue.

Submissions can be sent to

Write away!

Previously on Book Patrol:
A New Wave of Political Poetry
More Political Poetry – Denise Levertov and Vietnam

Thanks to Between the Covers for the lead