O.J. Comes Clean – I Didn’t Write It

In my previous post regarding the “If I Did It” fiasco I talked about how O.J didn’t even write the book and that there are probably some 400,000 copies that were printed before the books cancellation which pretty much guarantees that there will be plenty of copies floating around sooner or later.

Well, what do you know, Newsweek has somehow come up with a copy of the book and has a feature article focusing on one of the chapters.

The book was “obtained from an anonymous source”.

In a telephone interview yesterday O.J. says that the chapter of “If I Did It” in question, the one which supposedly contains a confession, was a “fictional creation” and one that he didn’t even write.

Speaking of the book- “There’s not a fact in there that wasn’t previously printed or was in the trial discovery papers” says Laurence Schiller, whose book “American Tragedy” is a detailed study of the murders.

So why all the fuss? A publicity ploy for sure but whose? Is the “anonymous source” behind all this?

Here are my early odds on who that anonymous source might be:

Judith Regan: even money
Pablo Fenjves: 2-1
Someone related to News Corp, HarperCollins: 4-1
O.J.: 5-1

Whom I missing?

This story still has a long way to go.