Only in Dubai : The Burj Dubai Opus

Note: The image that originally appeared in this post has been removed at the request of Mission Media, the public relations firm for Burj Dubai. Apparently it was leaked and “not approved” by the powers that be.


When the Burj Dubai opens early next year it will it be the world’s tallest building.

In the lobby will be a copy of what has to be the world’s tallest book.

The ‘Burj Dubai Opus’ stands 15 feet tall.

Emaar Properties, the developers of the Burj Dubai, have hired luxury publisher Kraken Opus to produce the book. The book will contain plans of the design and construction of the building as well as exclusive content and never-before-seen photographs.

Beside the” lobby” edition there will be a collectors edition and a limited edition offered for sale. There will also be copies that will be auctioned for charity.

via monoscope