Osama Bin Laden’s Book Club: 3 Must Reads for America

The latest purported communique from Osama Bin Laden,“An Address to the American People,” includes mention of 3 books that Bin Laden feels will help us Americans better understand his plight.

The three titles are:

The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy” by Stephen M. Walt
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid by former President Jimmy Carter
The Apology of a Hired Killer – a book that doesn’t exist though one analyst suggests he was referring to Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins

Hmm, here we are 8 years out from 9/11 and Bin Laden decides to talk books. Something is just not right about this. Did he read these books in English? Have they been translated into his primary language? Where in the world did he get them from? Amazon? Were they delivered to his cave by UPS? The books were published between 2004-2007 so why now? Has all the press about Barack Obama’s reading life turned this into an opportune time for Bin Laden to show his bookish side.

Something is just not right.

Bin Laden’s Reading List for Americans – NYT blog The Lede
NPR – What It’s Like To Be On Bin Laden’s Book List

Image via The People’s Cube