How to shoplift books

Move over Abbie Hoffman, California artist David Horvitz has joined you in the biblioklept Hall of Fame. In is latest work, How to Shoplift Books (Come Rubare Libri) published by Automatic Books,  Horvitz provides us with 80 different opportunities to steal the book of your choice. "From the very practical, to the witty and romantic, the book reads like simple instructional text."         And it gets better. Book collecting meets archaeology in this video where Horvitz buries a number of copies of the book that were misprinted! Luckily, one hundred copies were correctly printed and are available here. [vimeo][/vimeo]...

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Story Hour in the Library with Joyce Carol Oates

[youtube][/youtube] Oates visits the University of California at Berkeley for story hour. It all started with her grandmother’s gift of a copy of  “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland.” Then at 14 she gave her a typewriter and the rest, as they say, is history.  By the time Oates was in college she was practicing her craft by writing novel after novel, then throwing them out and starting over! With over 40 published novels to her credit  and too many literary awards to fit on the mantle odds are Oates can read and tell a mean story. Joyce Carol Oates – Fiction in the...

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