An absorbing cat tale?
Book Chickens
Savage Chickens is a cartoon series by Doug Savage drawn entirely on sticky notes. Here are a couple of book-themed gems: A compilation of Savage Chickens cartoons was published last year. Trailer for the book:
What an astonishing thing a book is…
Illustrator Gavin Aung's "love-letter to printed books" and homage to Carl Sagan
The Big Books and Word Power of Solizick Meister
One doesn't have to dig too deep into the portfolio's of Solizick Meister to find the book love.Many of her surrealist paintings and digital illustrations are saturated in book and text imagery. The piece Keyhole (shown above) is one of several in a series that feature a book dwarfing the reader. The power lies in the book. And one sees in her digital illustrations a different kind of power; a word power. In both Me and Myself and Learning (pictured at top) words literally consume the subject and seem to offer a much more freeing experience. and of course there...
Looking at Books and Things with Kim Jong-il
Kim Jong-il, the former supreme leader of North Korea liked looking at things. Here he is seen looking at books under the watchful eyes of his military staff and entourage. Kim Jong-il looks at food in an undisclosed location. See Kim look at many more things at Kim Jong-il Looking at Things. Most definitely worth looking!