Jews in the Funny Pages

In the first two books of this seminal series that deals with how comics reflect the culture they emanate from, Federick Stromberg dealt with the representation of Blacks and the Devil.For volume three he turns to the Semites. Spanning five centuries and  featuring over 150 images the book becomes an instant essential reference. Chapters include Anti-Semitism, the Old Testament, the Holocaust, Israel, the Golem and the artists range from A-list types like Will Eisner and Art Spiegelman to the more obscure. Every image gets an essay and there is an extensive bibliography.Who knew Golem was a super-hero?  Jewish Images in...

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Bookstore Wedding

 They met at a public library. His name is Ben, hers is Naly.Where else would they get married if not at “Ben McNally Books” in Toronto!Even Leonard Cohen showed up on their wedding night to wish them well.More on the story and additional images at The Wedding Co.Previously on book patrol:For the Books : The Wedding of Scott and Diana

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Fanado: The LongPen Still Lives

It was at BEA 5 years ago that Margret Atwood and company unleashed the LongPen in America. It was hailed as "the world's first real time, pen and ink long-distance autographing device" which produces "legally valid" signatures.It was to be the 21st century version of the autopen. It was to revolutionize and revitalize the author reading experience which by then was a much less common event in bookstores around the country.  "I can't wait to see how this one plays out" was how I ended my post on the initial American release of the LongPen in June of 2007,  How...

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Liberate Ulysses this Bloomsday

Now that the work of James Joyce has entered the public domain in Europe this year's Bloomsday celebration takes on a new twist.Take the LiberateUlysses project for one. A project spearheaded by uber James Joyce fan Steve Cole. You might remember Cole from last Bloomsday when he held a 24 hour tweet-a-thon of Ulysses.LiberateUlysses "encourages Joyce lovers everywhere to express their personal vision of Ulysses with whatever medium they have at hand, be it social or not, this Bloomsday (16 June)." Here's a sampling what's happened to date:Ithaca a painting by Marija GirevskaSamantha Extance has created a line of  “steampunk...

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