Michael Jackson in Academia: New report shows the King of Pop’s scholarly influence

Two librarians at Texas Tech University have released a report detailing Michael Jackson's broad influence in the scholarly community.  Associate Librarians Susan Hidalgo and Rob Weiner combed through scholarly papers and peer-reviewed articles in over 100 databases in creating “Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’: MJ in the Scholarly Literature: A Selected Bibliographic Guide” The guide shows Jackson popping up in psychology, medical, chemistry, mass communications and even engineering journals. Here was the goal of their research:To say that researchers can find tons of material on Michael Jackson would be an understatement. Our original goal was to provide scholars with a guide...

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Waterstone’s and Barnes & Noble Tilt Toward the Screen

"In the clash between the conventions of the book and the protocols of the screen, the screen will prevail" -Kevin Kelly, Scan This Book!, and duly noted in David Shields Reality Manifesto (76)Waterstone's, the UK's largest bookseller, has just completed an extreme brand makeover. The centerpiece is a complete reworking of their logo; out with the caps and serifs, in with lowercase and sans. The slogan for the campaign announcing the visual shift is 'feel every word.'  While, clearly a cooler, hipper look I would agree with Mark Sinclair's assessment over at the Creative Review blog:"While these inventive takes on the...

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Fridge Poetry Moves Online

We've all seen those cute little magnets that turn our refrigerator into a blank page. Well, now there is an online version thanks to Seattle-based isnoop.net.Magnetic Words 3.0 allows you to virtually recreate your  fridge poetry experience while in the presence of kindred fridge poets from around the world.Thanks to harriet, the blog from the Poetry Foundation for the lead

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California’s Budget Drought Threatens Water Archive

The Library budget-slashing epidemic of 2010 shows no signs of letting up. Seems not a day goes by without news of some incredibly difficult challenge facing a library due to a budget shortfall.The Contra Costa Times is reporting that California's seminal water history archive that is housed at the University of California in Berkeley is in danger of being moved or broken up due to budget issues.Founded in 1958 by a special act of California Legislature the Water Resources Center Archive consists of a library which houses 120 years of material in a variety of formats including a strong web-based...

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Russia Wants More Readers

Ot mraka k svetu. Ot bitvy k knige. Ot goria k schast'iu.  [Book with slogan: From darkness to light, from battle to boo...] (1917-1921)"Discover new things!""Be guided by knowledge" "Fill in the gaps!"These are just a few of the slogans in the new advertising campaign launched by the government of  Moscow  to encourage and promote reading. The campaign, which is targeted at young people, also includes 100 billboards placed around the city by the Moscow Writers Union emblazoned with the words "Read Books."Gramota - put' k kommunizmu.  [Literacy is the road to communism.] (1920)  Alexander Gerasimov, spokesman for the Moscow Writers...

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