Book Do’s and Don’ts For the 21st Century

Sad that it has come to this but signage has now been created to prevent those whose experience with books is severely limited from making serious, life- or book threatening gaffes when in their presence.The signs are appropriate for libraries, book stores, reading rooms, or general household use, and delightfully capture the current, confused book zeitgeist.It is unlikely that ebooks will ever require warning signs beyond a Magritte-ish This Is Not a Book poster. Kindles, however, may need an additional caveat, the Do Not Taunt This Book alert with image of Jeff Bezos wagging his finger at us.

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Online Bookselling Pollutes Another Innocent Mind

My inbox is on fire today. Here is another doozy, a perfect specimen of how the barrier-free selling of books online has become the number one threat to traditional sane bookselling practices.***********************************"Where the Wild Things Are- byM. SENDAK -HC, 1963, 1rst edition, rare, urgent quick sale only $2700- listed at $10,000 and rising currently- major profit opp!VERY RARE COPY OF 1963 WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE BY MAURICE SENDAK. ONE OF THE MOST COLLECTIBLE AND ELUSIVE CHILDREN'S BOOKS OF ALL TIME,IT WAS PUBLISHED IN NY BY HARPER AND ROW. THIS FIRST EDITION IS MISSING DUST JACKET, IS IN CLOTH BINDING...

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Want to Disappear? New book claims to show you how

Couldn't help passing this little gem along that arrived in my inbox."We are privacy consultants Frank M. Ahearn and Eileen C. Horan authors of How to Disappear which is the worlds #1 guide for disappearing. We travel the world assisting people who need to vanish, fall off the grid or escape from a stalker.How to Disappear is a realistic book about privacy and covers several areas like fending off a stalker, deterring identity theft, living offshore, living virtual and other tools that teach people how to disappear in the electronic age."No, it's not published by Blackwater though I suspect it...

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Wall Street Bank For Poets Proposed. Never Too Big To Fail?

There are many contenders for Top Dog status in the bone yard of bonehead ideas. [Provide favorite to Comments]. In the late nineteenth through early twentieth centuries, the highest honors for magnificently cockeyed excogitations belonged to one known only as the Idiot.The Idiot, the creation of Harpers humor editor, John Kendrick Bangs (1862-1922), whose Idiot confections were collected into six volumes*, was a boarder in Mrs. Smithers-Pegagog’s High-Class Home for Single Gentlemen. I’m always anxious to learn as much as I can about the history of the fleabag with a foyer and threadbare lace doilies I currently call home, so,...

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Romance and Erotic Novels Drive Ebook Sales

Call it The Story of Oy.One of the many fascinating insights that Nicholson Baker provides in his recent piece on the Kindle, A New Page, for The New Yorker is what kind of ebooks are most downloaded from Amazon.“The success of the ebook is being fueled by the romance and erotic romance market,” asserts Peter Smith in the TechoFile blog for ITworld as quoted in Baker’s piece.Felicia Day, “Vi” on Buffy the Vampire Slayer, is cuckoo for the Kindle for that very reason. She writes in her blog that “as an insane reader of genre paperbacks, I’m absolutely in love...

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