ABC’s of Book Collecting : Adams

ADAMSH.M. Adams’s Catalogue of Books printed in the Continent of Europe, 1501‒1600, in Cambridge Libraries 1967, despite its apparently restrictive title, is the most extensive complete available list of 16th-century European books, a fact frequently acknowledged by booksellers with the formula ‘not in Adams’. All 16th-century books cannot, in the nature of things, be at Cambridge, and other catalogues, off- and online, may supplement the record, but that would spoil the story.Carter, John & Nicolas BarkerABC's of Book Collecting. 8th EditionNew Castle, Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 2004Buy a copy

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“The Kindle Is A Dangerous Toy”

Alert the Federal Trade Commission Bureau of Consumer Protection. Call the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Tip-off the DEA. Shut the windows and lock the door.A Mother’s Day was spoiled by the elves in Lucifer’s Little Toy Shoppe™. Be forewarned - this could happen to you:“For Mother's Day this year, I told my family, it better be good. Since last Mother's Day, my mothering skills have been put to the highest test.”So innocently begins the saga of Elizabeth, a writer and rare book dealer in a small town in Georgia. It is, however, a cautionary tale so terrifying in its denouement.“What...

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Amazon Finds Another Way To Deliver the Books : AmazonFresh

Bookmark inserted in AmazonFresh deliveryRemember Webvan, the online grocery delivery service started by that other bookseller Louis Borders, that went down in flames in the dot com crash of 2001. A great idea but a little ahead of its time. Well, not to miss a beat, here in Seattle, Amazon's backyard, we have AmazonFresh, Amazon's version of a local grocery delivery service.It is a fantastic service. With two kids you can't beat the convenience of running out of something at 8pm and having it at your door by the time you wake up. And it is price competitive, unlike the...

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ABC’s of Book Collecting : Abbreviations

AbbreviationsThe prevalence of these in booksellers’ catalogues varies with the descriptive formula. An elaborate catalogue will have few, but most cataloguers use the familiar ones, and in short-title or clearance lists there may be a good many – sometimes explained at the beginning, more often not.Even the abbreviations in common use are not all wholly standardised,nor does the following list pretend to be exhaustive. Most of its contents appear, under the expanded term, in the main alphabet: to those which do not,page references have been appended where appropriate.ABA Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association.ABAA Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association of America.ABPC American Book Prices Current.A.D....

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The "ABC’s of Book Collecting" on Book Patrol

John Carter's ABC For Book Collectors has long been regarding as the most informative reference book on the subject of book collecting. Now comprised of upward of 500 entries it remains, to this day, a seminal reference book for booksellers and collectors alike. Originally published in 1952, The ABC's has been revised and updated over the years by Nicolas Barker. It is now in it's Eighth Edition and includes additional words and terms created by the introduction of web-based collecting.Book Patrol is pleased to present The ABC's of Book Collecting, one entry at a time.For the Twitterites among us -...

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