Commander in Trouble: Bush Adminstration Mug Shots at the NY Public Library

The exhibit is titled Multiple Interpretations: Contemporary Prints in Portfolio at the New York Public Library and calls for artists "to tell a story, to take a stand on political and social concerns, to consider formal issues, and to explore the creative process."That is exactly what artists Nora Ligorano and Marshall Reese, accomplish in their portfolio "Line Up" which features images of members of Bush's cabinet portrayed in mug shots. The work is more than simply images of Bush's cronies in mug shot format. Each photo includes a date that corresponds to a date 'when the “suspects' made 'incriminatory' statements...

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Reader To Reader: A True Library Helper

"Books have a singular power to inspire and change people’s lives" and the organization Reader to Reader exists to provide those books to the people who need them most.Here is an alarming stat:60% of underprivileged children do not own a single book.Consequently, Reader to Reader believes that "a well-stocked school library [is] a critical resource hub that is a necessity not a luxury," and by devising an efficient collection and distribution method for the millions of books that are discarded every year they provide the neediest libraries with the material they need most.Their target libraries are school libraries in our...

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Thomas Jefferson’s Books Arrive at LibraryThing

The library of Thomas Jefferson, which is the library that made up the backbone of the early Library Congress, has arrived at LibraryThing.Using E. Milicent Sowerby's five-volume bibliography as their guide a group of sixteen catalogers took four months to enter nearly 4,900 titles and 187 of Jefferson's reviews.Now all the bells and whistles of LibraryThing are available for one of the greatest libraries ever assembled in this country; all those clouds and stats are now in play.Tim Spalding the founder and guiding light of LibraryThing frames the significance of this best when he says "On LibraryThing it's not just...

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Books and History in the Work of Nicola Dale

Time creates history and time changes history. From existing texts visual artist Nicola Dale painstakingly carves a new history, both for the texts themselves and for the those of us lucky enough to consume them.A Secret Heliotropism, 2006. Hand cut found book; full color, 320 pagesUsing a Walter Benjamin quote from his ‘Theses on the Philosophy of History’ as a starting point Dale took a copy of “The People’s Century” and a very small pair of scissors and transformed the 320 page history book from a mass produced object to a unique piece of book art. Over the course of...

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Hand em Over

"Hand Over Those Two Books""When I Read These Three Novels I'll be Able to Conquer the World!"The cover of issue #23 of From Beyond the Unknown.The Sci-fi comic ran for 25 issues from October 1969 to December 1973.See all 25 covers hereThanks to Bookish Monkey for the lead

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