Sarah Palin is a "voracious reader"

The latest issue of People magazine contains an interview with Sarah & Todd Palin. In it Palin addresses a question we’ve all been wondering about, the role of reading in her life.

People: Do you think you’re intellectual?
Sarah Palin: Yessss. And you have to be up on not only current events, but you have to understand the foundation of the issues that you’re working on as a governor. I had to do the same thing as a mayor. So it is not just current events but it’s much more in-depth than that to understand how, in the case of me being governor, how did our state get to the position that we are in order for a decision to have to be made. You can’t just go on what is presented you. You have to know the background, you have to know the players involved before you make a policy call. So, um, it’s uh, it’s a good job, it’s a tough job and it’s a very, very serious job. And no. You don’t get to be a governor by being –
Todd Palin: – going with the wind.
SP: Yeah definitely. You don’t just go with the flow and take a political pulse on policy. You have to go with what the foundational knowledge is that you have on issues in front of you and you have to put the people you are serving, put them first. You put them before partisanship you put them before special interests. That’s how you make decisions as governor.

P: How do you get that knowledge?
SP: I’m a voracious reader, always have been. I appreciate a lot of information. I think that comes from growing up in a family of schoolteachers also where reading and seizing educational opportunities was top on my parents’ agenda. That was instilled in me.

P: What do you like to read?
SP: Autobiographies, historical pieces – really anything and everything. Besides the kids and sports, reading is my favorite thing to do.

P: What are you reading now?
SP: I’m reading, heh-heh, a lot of briefing papers on a lot of issues that are in front of us in this campaign.

P: What about for fun?
SP: Do we consider The Looming Tower something that was just for fun? That’s what I’ve been reading on the airplane. It’s about 9/11. If I’m going to read something, for the most part, it’s something beneficial.

Previously on Book Patrol:
Sarah Palin – Time to Tell Us About Your Reading Life
Sarah Palin’s Library Issue is Now a Campaign Issue