Save the Libraries-Save the Earth- NOW

The libraries and the content of the libraries of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency!) are in serious danger.

The administration is attempting to weed out any questionable material that might put the corporate and fossil fuel gods at risk of losing their thrones.

What began as a $2 million budget cut (out of a total library services budget of $2.5 million) in the President’s 2007 budget for the EPA’s library services is now an all out assault on the precious information housed in the EPA libraries.

Here is just a snippet from the in-depth coverage this travesty is getting by the Union of Concerned Scientists, an independent nonprofit alliance of more than 100,000 concerned citizens and scientists:

Despite the fact that Congress has not yet passed the 2007 budget or approved these funding cuts, the EPA has already moved with astonishing speed to close down several of its libraries to both the public and EPA staff. Three regional libraries, the Headquarters Library and a specialized library for research on the effects and properties of chemicals have already been closed, and four additional regional libraries have been subjected to reduced hours and limited access. Some books, reports and other resources formerly housed at these libraries have been sent to three repositories where they remain uncatalogued and inaccessible to the scientists and others who depend upon them. Other materials have already been recycled or thrown away.

Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility
(PEER) is also very active in trying to stop the insanity:

“No one believes that EPA is closing libraries and crating up irreplaceable collections for fiscal reasons, Instead, the real agenda appears to be controlling access by its own specialists and outside researchers to key technical information.” PEER Executive Director Jeff Ruch

Seems like the administration is going to do all it can to protect itself before the new democratically controlled congress convenes in January. This behavior makes Watergate look petty and is at minimum an impeachable offense.

BeSpacific has a solid summary of the life of this issue.

Thanks to David Morrison Books of Portland for the heads up.