Shakespeare in Kindergarten

This week members of the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival will be paying a visit to the kindergarten classes at Our Lady of Lourdes in Louisville, KY.

Using “The Tempest” as their guide they will explore the Elizabethan world and family relationships.

“We’re talking about the different family relationships that are in the play. These are things that are accessible even to the kindergartners. They understand family, they understand relations and they understand emotions and we don’t have to worry about the text of Shakespeare and the complexity of Shakespeare and all of that sort of thing. That can come much later on,”
says Brian Hinds of the Kentucky Shakespeare Festival.

The choice of the “The Tempest” is fitting. Having a daughter in kindergarten I get to see firsthand the tempest that blows through the classroom on a daily basis. Every day is a bit different but there is always a storm brewing or passing.

Perhaps Shakespeare can calm the winds of kindergarten.

Story at Lourdes Kindergartners Learn From Shakespeare

Shakespeare for Kids at the Folger Library

Image 5 year old Maya McGuire’s winning portrait from the 2008 Folger Library Portrait Contest.

Thanks to @jimcarmin for the lead