Tag: ABC’s of Book Collecting

ABC’s of Book Collecting : Almanac

ALMANACA calendar, usually in pocket-book (more rarely sheet) form, augmentedwith Saints’ days, fair-dates and astronomical and meteorologicaldata; a bestseller from the start and protected by jealously guardedpatents, the different titles, hot rivals in the 17th century, were allfinally swallowed up by Dr Francis Moore’s Vox Stellarum, familiarlyknown as ‘Old Moore’s Almanack’.Previous ABC's of Book Collecting postsCarter, John & Nicolas BarkerABC's of Book Collecting. 8th EditionNew Castle, Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 2004Buy a copy

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ABC’s of Book Collecting : All Published

ALL PUBLISHEDThis means that, despite appearances or an original intention to thecontrary, the volume or series described was not continued, and isthus as complete as it ever can be in this form, given its (usually)unexpected truncation.Previous ABC's of Book Collecting postsCarter, John & Nicolas BarkerABC's of Book Collecting. 8th EditionNew Castle, Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 2004Buy a copy

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ABC’s of Book Collecting : Aldus, Aldine

ALDUS, ALDINEThe great Venetian printer Aldus Manutius (Aldo Manuzio,1452–1515) initiated the printing of the Greek classics and the series ofpocket-classics, for which he is chiefly famous. His device of adolphin and anchor was widely imitated, not least by WilliamPickering in the 19th century, together with the title Aldine Classics forhis similar series of the major authors of English literature.Previous ABC's of Book Collecting postsCarter, John & Nicolas BarkerABC's of Book Collecting. 8th EditionNew Castle, Delaware : Oak Knoll Press, 2004Buy a copy

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ABC’s of Book Collecting : À La Grecque, Alla Greca

À LA GRECQUE, ALLA GRECAA style of binding with thick boards, grooved on the edges and flush with the trimmed leaves of the book, the tail- and headbands therefore protruding above and below the boards. These bands, sewn deep into the quires of the book, are an important part of its structure, in which sewing bands, if present, do not carry the weight of the covers. The clasps are usually of plaited strands of leather, ending in a ring fitting over a pin protruding from the edge of the opposite board. This distinctive style, employed in Greece during the Middle...

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ABC’s of Book Collecting : Advertisements

ADVERTISEMENTSThese have engendered as much heat and argument as any factor inbook-collecting. It is first necessary to distinguish between:(a) Leaves of advertisement, usually, though not necessarily,the publisher’s, which are integral to the gathering (or quire or section), i.e. printed in the same operation with, and on the samepaper as, and gathered for binding with, the sheets of the bookitself;(b) Leaves of advertisement – publisher’s, wholesaler’s, distributor’s,or other – printed separately from the book and often ondifferent paper, seldom peculiar to it, but bound up with all, orsome, recorded copies.The former date from the 16th century and were common inEnglish books...

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