Tag: Amazon

The Madness of the CPSIA and How Google and Amazon Might Benefit

Photo via mike.julianne on FlickrLast summer Congress passed the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008 (CPSIA). While well intentioned, being primarily a result of the toys being made with in China with lead paint scare that swept the country, CPSIA has potential catastrophic consequences for the book world. What's the problem? Any book printed before 1986 becomes illegal in the hands of children.Author David Niall Wilson sums it up nicely in his post, Burning Books for Consumer Safety:Under this law...very strict testing is imposed on every children’s book published before 1985 (It really did start in 1984 Mr. Orwell…right...

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A Public Display of the Kindle

With all the press and hype that has surrounded the life of Kindle 1 and Kindle 2 you would have thought that by now I would have seen at least one of them floating around the streets of Seattle; after all it is Amazon's home court. But I haven't seen one yet. I have seen it on Oprah, on the Daily Show, and on Jimmy Fallon's new late night show but not on the bus, in the streets, or at any friends house.Brier Dudley, the tech writer for the Seattle Times, got a Kindle 2 from Amazon to test drive....

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Kindle Cake

"I've been jonesing for a Kindle for weeks now, and since I can't get the real thing just yet, I thought I would make a Kindle cake to show my love." says LilPeaPod about her creation.LilPeaPod baked this beauty last March. You can see photos of her putting it all together at geeksugar.I wonder if this cake qualifies for the Edible Book Festival or does it warrant the creation of an Edible E-Book Festival?Previously on Book Patrol:Deep Fried BooksBooks to Eat and Books about EatingThanks to the OUP blog for the lead

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Kindle in a Catalog

Here's what a catalog entry for the Kindle might look like in the not too distant future.KINDLE ELECTRONIC READER. Amazon, 2009. First production after the third recall, the rarest of all issues. 8vo. Original silver plastic casing, moderately scratched and soiled, well rubbed at extremities.Lacking the power adapter and jacket (as issued?). Screen cracked but holding. USB cable present. Batteries dead. Some evidence of old moisture stains on keyboard (probably Starbucks coffee) and noticeable acidic odor. Slightly warped as usual from being left on hot dashboard. Tipped-in adhesive sticker on verso with faded name "Updike, J." may be the Beat...

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