Tag: cartoons

The Electronic Home Library: 1950’s Style

click to enlarge and enjoyThe year is 1959.The place is the Chicago Tribune.The image is from Arthur Radebaugh's syndicated futurist cartoonist strip, Closer Than We Think!The text accompanying the image (emphasis mine): Some unusual inventions for home entertainment and education will be yours in the future, such as the "television recorder" that RCA's David Sarnoff described recently. With this device, when a worthwhile program comes over the air while you are away from home, or even while you're watching it, you'll be able to preserve both the picture and sound on tape for replaying at any time. Westinghouse's Gwilym Price...

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Book Do’s and Don’ts For the 21st Century

Sad that it has come to this but signage has now been created to prevent those whose experience with books is severely limited from making serious, life- or book threatening gaffes when in their presence.The signs are appropriate for libraries, book stores, reading rooms, or general household use, and delightfully capture the current, confused book zeitgeist.It is unlikely that ebooks will ever require warning signs beyond a Magritte-ish This Is Not a Book poster. Kindles, however, may need an additional caveat, the Do Not Taunt This Book alert with image of Jeff Bezos wagging his finger at us.

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