Tag: Daily Book Dose

Sales Damage and Low Self-Esteem

Bookweb.org, the website for The American Bookseller Association (ABA), has a story on how the recent storm that tore up the Pacific Northwest affected some of the regions new bookstores. Sounds like the worst physical damage hit Parkplace Books in Kirkland, WA tough every bookstore mentioned reported sales damage during and immediately after the storm hit. Though the story focused on only a handful of stores you can bet it is a good indicator for the whole bookselling community of the Northwest.Speaking of sales damage- Publisher's Weekly has an article titled "Year End Brings Indie Closings" Murder Ink in NYC,...

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A Couple of Updates and a Few Headlines

A few updates on recent posts:Re: Google Book Search-I blogged a few days ago about the inherent danger in having a private company being in charge of digitizing our written heritage then yesterday word came that that the Alfred A. Sloan foundation donated $1 million dollars to the Internet Archive to digitize the holdings of the Boston Public Library, the Getty Research Institute, the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Excellent start.Link to original postLink to article on Sloan grantRe: The guy who wrote the worlds longest diary which is housed in 80+ boxes in the Special Collections of Washington State University....

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Book Design, Bibles and Some Projections

The Book Design Review blog picks his favorite cover designs of 2006 The current issue of the New Yorker has an article on the best selling book of the year, wait make that every year- Here is a snippet:The Bible is the best-selling book of the year, every year. Calculating how many Bibles are sold in the United States is a virtually impossible task, but a conservative estimate is that in 2005 Americans purchased some twenty-five million Bibles—twice as many as the most recent Harry Potter bookThere is a short post on Metroblogging San Francisco on visiting a Barnes &...

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A Couple from the Google Monster

There has been much hoopla over the launch of Google's new patent search tool. I am pretty certain all the info was already easily available at the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) but hey this is a Google world.I had to dig deep to find this book related one. A patent for the "Slanted Book" designed in 1974 by Richard A. Kjarsgaard. Here is the diagram:From what I can make out it looks like the same book design perfected by my dog Roxy who had a brief book chewing phase while a puppy.Much more important is the article...

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Daily Book Dose

All this week in the New York Times "Talk to the Newsroom" feature is a Q& A with the Book Review editor Sam Tanemnhaus.The questions asked and the answers provided offer some good insight into how the Book Review section operates.Topics include:-explaining the process of how a book gets reviewed- from its arrival in the office to it being included in paper-bias in book reviews-reviewing books in translation and books from small independent publishersWhile we are with Times. They also have a great story on finding a home for the amazing African-American History and literature collection built by Mayme Agnew...

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